
Here I Go

Writing a blog has been no random, impulsive act on my part.
I’ve spent hours “researching” how to best blog. (whatever that means)
I’m frequently asked, “Sooo how’s the blog coming along?”
To get the full effect of this question, read it real slow.
You see, it’s just that me and blogging feels quite complicated.
For at least a year I have wrestled with the idea.

Here are a few of the reasons behind “the wrestle”…

• I can’t have all my business out there for just anyone to see!
• It’s not the right time.
• So and so would be upset to see I’m writing about them.
• How do I write about truth when the truth is still actively being hidden?
• No one would want to read it, why bother?
• I’m way too private of a person.
• I have nothing important to share.
• I’m too new in my walk with God; I’ll come across as silly.
• Why share my inner thinkings when I don’t fully understand them myself?
• I’m not brave enough.
• I’ll run out of things to share.

I didn’t number my reasons in this list, so to be nice-I’ve counted for you.
There are 11.
Of these 11 reasons for not (more like putting off) blogging…

6 – are downright hilarious if you knew me
5 – I REALLY don’t care (anymore)
7 – simply aren’t true
5 – I still wrestle with
1 – is 100% bound to happen
7 ½ - I’m willing to risk
5 – I REALLY don’t care (this one is worth repeating)

See here’s some of what motivates me…

My complete desire to pour my faith into God
Being a voice others resonate with
Every day being and expressing gratitude
Being vulnerable because then I am being real
Truth being spoken
Seeing the lessons in my face plants (there are many)

Wow, I almost sound perfect by this list!
As I start opening up through writing you will be privy to my struggles, heartaches, sense of humor, random distracting thoughts, celebrations, and mundane rants. You may very well forget that short list I just wrote out about what motivates me and that’s alright, because the list is more for me than you anyways.
All of my reasons behind “the wrestle” are clearly excuses.
Some will clearly induce “tricky feelings” and possible adult tantrums and I’m sure I’ll hear about them….but that’s alright too. I’m not out to harm, damage or upset anyone. I’ve got tons to share and a gazillion to learn.
Get to know me.
I invite you.
I dare you even.


  1. We blog for various reasons. Be Bold but not NAIVE or just plain stupid. Express yourself not someone else. The reality is we blog for ourselves and JUST MAYBE for a few others. Most will never know or care.......some will benefit, speak openly, freely and true to yourself.

    Occasionally you will CHOSE WORDS CAREFULY AND
    DELIBERATELY so naysayers will say more about themselves than they can about you.......

    Go GIRL!!!!

  2. We will follow you and be a cheering section!u

  3. yea!! Looking forward to hearing more of your heart via the medium of blogging world. Good stuff to come!!

  4. I figured it out. Can't wait to stalk you...I mean FOLLOW you.

  5. It has been such a privilege to witness God's work in your life! Humbling and awe inspiring. You are the most genuine and generous person I know. So happy that you are sharing your journey as He continues to turn mourning into dancing and brings beauty from the ashes. The fruit in your life has been well fertilized by heartache and watered by life's storms. Not a tear will be wasted when given over to God's purposes. You are a very dear friend and sister in more than just one way. You are loved.
